  • Hair Removal

Hair Reduction


The End is Near! For unwanted Hair.

There would be few who do not find the daily / weekly ritual of plucking, shaving and waxing, annoying and time onerous. It’s a part of our routine we can do without.

Light based hair removal is suitable for men and women, can be used on any part of the body and works for all hair types, (other than where the hair has a complete or near complete absence of pigmentation i.e. white and grey hair). Light based hair removal technology is well advanced and relatively quick, plus, in comparison to ongoing beauty salon waxing or home shaving, it's cheap.

Light energy emitted by the laser is attracted to pigment in hair follicles. As the energy travels down the hair follicle it is absorbed by the pigment producing heat. This heat defuses out to the hair's stem cells that surround and nourish the hair follicle. Hair stem cells are quite sensitive and suseptible to damage from heat. Once the stems cells are damaged or killed the hair follicle is no longer able to be sustained. The attraction of the light emitted to pigment is the reason that the hair has to have pigment (i.e. light brown, brown or black) for the procedure to work.

Laser hair removal is a medical treatment and it is not without risk. Treatment price is important but in our opinion, price should be one and an important consideration but not the only factor you take into account. Based on research, our doctors / nurses / university clinicians have designed our hair removal treatments / selected equipment platforms to provide the best outcomes with the least amount of risk, as economical as is possible. In short, our hair treatment is designed by experts, involve the lowest risk and are designed by the staff to be performed on themselves.

With our market leading technology you will see a noticeable reduction in hair density and coarseness after the first treatment and an average of up to 80% reduction by your third treatment.

The treatment works by passing a calibrated beam through the skin down to each individual hair follicle. The intense heat damages or destroys the hair follicle inhibiting or eliminating future hair growth. Our ICON™ equipment is able to direct highest light levels safely, consistently and precisely at the optimal frequencies to achieve the highest melanin absorption characteristics possible. This improves and maximises the results you will achieve as safely and quickly as is technologically possible. Our treatment process is timed to coincide with the four growth stages of hair and to reduce the risk of paradoxical hypertrichosis or other complication.

No treatments occur without all the appropriate pre-treatment screening and all medical reviews are performed by appropriately university trained, skin experienced, staff.

Individual AreasIndividual PricesPackage Price for
Six Treatments
Full Face $79 $380
Lip $29 $140
Chin $39 $180
Side of Face $59 $280
Sideburns $49 $220
Bikini $69 $330
Brazilian (Female) $89 $430 
Buttocks $89 $430
G-String $79 $380
Lower Legs (Exc Knee) $169 $800
Upper Legs (Inc Knee) $169 $800
Full Legs $259 $1,200
Underarm $39 $190
Forearms (Exc Elbows) $119 $570
Full Arms $159 $700
Hands & Fingers $39 $190
Full Arms $159 $700
Neck $69 $330
Shoulders $99 $470
Chest or Stomach $119 $570
Chest & Stomach $219 $900
Abdomen (Snail Trail) $39 $180
Full Back $189 $850
Half Back $119 $570


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Brazilian + Underarm $109 $600
Brazilian + Underarm + Lower Leg $219 $900
Lip + Chin $59 $280
Lip + Chin + Cheeks + Sideburns + Under Chin $89 $720
Chest & Stomach $219 $800

Prices (inclusive of GST)


Pre-Treatment Advice

  1. Shaving, Plucking and Waxing
    You need to ensure that the treatment area is closely shaven. For best results, avoid waxing, plucking and electrolysis in the three weeks prior to treatment and also for the whole of the period while you are undergoing treatment.

  2. Sun Exposure / Tanning Beds / Tanning Solutions
    At no time should you have unprotected sun exposure (sunblock 30+ / hat / long sleeve shirt etc are to be used) during the two weeks pre treatment. Unprotected sun exposure includes the use of tanning beds and or self tanning creams / lotions / spray tans.

  3. Cosmetics / Retina A (aka Tretinoin) / Exfoliants
    The treatment area needs to be completely free of all makeup / cosmetics / dirt / sunscreen etc. You should cease using creams and lotions that contain “Retinol” (aka Retina A / Tretinoin), Vitamin A and or exfoliants (in any of its forms including scrubs, peels etc), for the three days prior to treatment.

  4. Medications / Anti-Wrinkle Injectables
    During the six months prior to your procedure anti-acne medications including but not limited to “Roaccutane” cannot be taken. Blood thinning medications including “Aspirin” and fish oil are to be avoided for the period three to five days prior to treatment. Photosensitive medications e.g. “tetracyclines” e.g. doxycycline and including herbal and natural remedies cannot be taken six months prior to treatment. Botulinums (Botox / Dysport / Xeomin) should not be injected two weeks prior to your treatment. If you are taking “Warfarin” or “Heparin” please raise these medications with our staff prior to treatment. If you have any doubt about the medication(s) you are taking please ask our staff, as some medications will make you ineligible for treatment.

  5. Infections
    We do not treat clients who have active bacterial, viral or inflammatory conditions in or associated with and or connected with the treatment area. As a precaution, for hair reduction treatments of the face, we advise our clients who are prone to “cold sores” to take a cold sore treatment (“Zovirax” etc) three to five days immediately prior to treatment.

Post-Treatment Advice

  1. Shaving, Plucking and Waxing
    The use of mechanical epilation including waxing, plucking and electrolysis, while your treatment sessions are occurring, is to be avoided. You can shave between treatments. Wear loose clothing for a period post treatment of not less than twelve hours. If the under arms have been treated avoid the use of antiperspirants for a period of not less than twelve hours post treatment.

  2. Sun Exposure
    Sun exposure post treatment can lead to “hyperpigmentation” of the treated area. It is essential that you avoid all unprotected sun exposure. You should apply 30+ sunscreen, use a hat, wear long sleeve clothing and not use tanning facilities, creams and lotions and or exfoliating products for a period not less than two weeks post treatment.

  3. Texture & Tone
    Expect the treated area immediately post treatment and up to 24 hours to be red, swollen and possibly lumpy in texture. You will feel and look like you have a mild “sunburn” for a period up to four days post treatment. It is unlikely but not entirely uncommon that you may experience irritation, itching, slight pain, stinging and or tenderness. If you have any of these symptoms you should contact our clinic. Until the skin has recovered, avoid swimming, unprotected exposure to chemicals, hot showers, hot tubs, saunas, activities that cause excessive perspiration (gyms / exercise) and activities that raise core body temperature.

  4. Comfort
    Similiar to treating mild sunburn you will get some relief, reduce any discomfort and swelling by applying cooling (ice packs, aleo vera etc) to the treated area. Do not apply ice directly to the skin and avoid fan cooling which can unnecessarily dry your skin. Only use a mild cleanser e.g. QV wash or Jan Marini gentle cleanser and apply a mosituriser after cleansing. You can take over the counter pain relievers including “panadol”. Avoid “nurofen” as it can increase the potential for bruising.

  5. Medications
    During the two months post procedure anti-acne medications including but not limited to “Roaccutane” should not be taken. Blood thinning medications including “Aspirin” are to be avoided three days post treatment. Photosensitive medications e.g. “tetracyclines” e.g. doxycycline and including photosensitive herbal and natural remedies cannot be taken for two months post treatment. Botulinums (Botox / Dysport etc) should not be injected in treatment sites for the period one week post treatment. If you are taking “Warfarin” or “Heparin” please raise these medications with our staff prior to treatment. If you have any doubt about the medication(s) you are taking, please ask our staff.



  1. How often will I require an appointment? What is the treatment interval?
    The optimal time frame between appointments is between four (4) and six (6) weeks. Your hair is continuously cycling through the anagen, catagen, telogen and exogen hair growth stages. The effectiveness of light based hair reduction treatments is dependent on catching hair at stages where it is most susceptible / vulnerable to hair follicle damage from heat. If the interval between treatments is reduced you will unnecessarily catch hair in a dormant state and reduce the overall effectiveness of your treatments.

  2. How many sessions will I need to see results?
    Everyone is different and the hair types found on different parts of the body varies. On average six (6) to eight (8) sessions achieves results clients consider consistent with their expectations. Six is an average. Ethnicity, age, hormone imbalances and other factors will increase or reduce the sessions required.

  3. Are there any risks involved?
    The energy used does not fall in the ultra violet spectrum, therefore, the risk of cellular damage is zero. That said, all clinical treatments involve risks. We take the responsibility of identifying, managing and avoiding risks, seriously. It’s important you complete and answer medical histories, forms and questions, respectfully, thoroughly and honestly. Our clinic is employed by doctors, registered nurses and skin dermal clinician experts. Always ask questions and only proceed where you are completely satisfied with the answers / explanations provided.

  4. Will the hair return?
    While hair return is unlikely it’s not impossible. There are certain circumstances that can lead to subsequent hair re-growth in women such as pregnancy, the use of a number of medications and significant changes in hormonal patterns that occur for instance during adultescence. Most re-growths are able to be dealt with quickly with a single touch up session or in some cases, two touch up sessions.